Getting on-line is the job of a professional. If you’re based in and around Sussex or Surrey in need of a website designer and developer, look no further. Brighton WEBtech works with start-ups, established businesses, as well as individuals or groups who are after an impactful presence on the internet.
Our Promise
We will never blind you with science and we’ll always keep our promises. If we say your website will be live on a certain day, barring Armageddon, it will be.
Working with us is easy.
You’ll need hosting and a domain name. We offer both these essential services.
Your monthly hosting fee can include regular website maintenance, including vitally important plug-in and database updates as well as offsite backups. This is an indispensable security measure and one that you really can’t do without: website hackers target out-of-date websites, so our monthly service will keep it from harm.
The Basics
Getting Started
Talk to us about your objectives, your budget and your timescales. We’re keen to deliver a website that engages with your target audience and most definitely one that does what you want it to do. With over 20 years’ experience in web development, we’ll be happy to advise if you’re not sure.
We can help you consider a style and layout. You’ll also need to supply the content (although, if you don’t want to do that, we work with a great copywriter who can do this for you).
With a clear brief, we’ll create your website in WordPress, using high-level coding and style sheets to customise it precisely and exactly to your objectives.
Pictures are good. With your web visitors’ short attention spans, they’ll give your site the edge. We’d highly recommend good quality head shots, and any other relevant images that will help bring your website to life. We can source pictures from image banks on your behalf, if necessary.
Developing Your Website
Nearly There
Brighton WEBtech will create your website on a development (not a live) platform. When it meets your approval, we press the “go” button and there you are – your very own website.
We’re here to help so feel free to call us if you need any advice.
You’ll need to consider how you wish your website to be maintained, refreshed and developed so make sure that you don’t let it languish out there in internet land.
Let’s go. Contact us today and we’ll get started.