SEO services in brighton
We endeavour to move your website above that of your competitors. Contact our local SEO experts today for a free consultation.

What is SEO?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation.
SEO is a way of making your website visible to search engines, including Google, of course, so that when someone looks for your services, they find your website.
Being found on page one of Google is a Good Thing. We’re intrinsically lazy. When it comes to the tinterweb, we have the attention span of gnats in a hurry. So, generally speaking, a website that appears higher up in the results pages will get more traffic and therefore, in theory, more business.
It’s called “organic” search – not the paid Adwords campaigns we all hear about – and goodness me, there’s an awful lot of stuff written about it, not all of it accurate and not all of it useful.
If you’re a bee keeper in Woodingdean, you’ll have an easier time ranking well than an accountant (or heaven forfend, a website designer) in Brighton. Why? Because there are more accountants chasing business in a defined geographical area than there are bee keepers.
Did you know that Google and Bing deploy “spiders”, software that browses websites, looking for their strict series of search criteria to be met? A sort of tick list, if you will. What are search engines looking for? We’re not completely sure as Google never tells us, but it’s pretty safe to say that if your site has:
It’s likely that these will be seen as relevant to good search and your site may, repeat may rank well.
Yoast is highly regarded as a leading worldwide authority on SEO.
With over a million downloads, it offers what is generally considered the most effective search engine optimisation software on the market for WordPress websites.
And… Sussex Copywriting Services can get into the back-end of a WordPress site to customise your page titles, meta descriptions, meta keywords, alt text and lots of other things besides to get full marks from Yoast. It’s all legitimate, in other words, “white hat”.
There’s a red to green traffic light system. Susan turns all the lights green. Green is good and means that your website has an excellent chance of being found by those folks who are keen to buy from you. This, combined with great content and our customised sites, is we think, a bit of a winner.
Susan Beckingham from Sussex Copywriting Services can also ensure that your content is refreshed on a regular basis. Blogs, for example. There’s a lot to SEO and although there can be no guarantees, optimising your website via the Yoast plug-in will give it a great start. If your site has the software with the magic green traffic lights, and your competitors don’t, who’s likely to rank higher? Just saying.
Ready to get your business found? Email us for more information.