Portfolio image for FirstAid4Gambia - Another website by Brighton WebTech

The charity was set up by Fiona and Bill Nelson who are brother and sister, born in Nigeria of British parents. Their love for Africa has never diminished and one day whilst reading the news from Africa Fiona stumbled upon a story from The Gambia about the plight of the country’s primary health care and how a small cut or graze can easily lead to the loss of a limb or an extended hospital stay if a bed can be found in one the country’s three hospitals.

Fiona visited The Gambia in 2009 to see just how bad things were for herself. It was everything she feared and more. She visited schools and nurseries, spoke with teachers, helpers and other NGO care workers and quickly came to the decision that her First Aid Training skills were desperately needed in The Gambia to save lives.

Technology used to build this website project

With their original website, not having changed since 2009, it was high time to create a new one.  So, the call was put out.  A family member, who was volunteering for the charity, passed that call over to me.  This is the result.

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